The Difference Between Natural and Synthetic Aromatic Bath Salts
Bath salts are a newly minted category of therapeutic designer drugs. The name derives from cases where the prescribed drugs were hidden as bath salts instead of perfumed soaps or bath oils. The bath salts, white powders, crystals, or flakes often look like Epsom salts, yet are different chemically. Nevertheless, bath salts from Amazon, bath salts from eBay, bath salts from other sources, bath salts in general, and Epsom salt itself are becoming increasingly popular for recreational uses.
The most common and well-known effect of bath salts to use disorder is the acquisition of an addiction. People who start taking bath salts on a regular basis find it increasingly difficult to stop their addictive behaviors. An addiction develops over time when the user cannot live without the drug. In the most severe cases, the bath salts user may withdraw from society entirely to avoid the temptation. The bath salts user eventually collapses emotionally and physically and has difficulty functioning in everyday situations. This can result in depression, isolation, and even suicidal thoughts and actions.
Some users start taking bath salts because they have a prescription for them from their doctor. These drugs are usually synthetic cathinones, which are legal in most countries but illegal in others. Synthetic cathinones can produce similar effects as cocaine, marijuana, heroin, methamphetamines, and inhalation medications like inhalers, corticosteroids, and antihistamines. This can cause the bath salt user to experience similar physical withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop using the bath salt drugs. The bath salt user then turns to their dealer for a solution.
Substituting bath salts with bath salts containing legal prescription drugs can also cause the user to experience similar withdrawal symptoms. Bath salts containing exotic herbs like staphysagris and scuttelaria can also be used as a substitute for bath salts containing illegal drugs, although they are not approved by the FDA. Although these herbs are not considered drugs, they can still produce similar effects as bath salts containing illegal drugs. Many legal prescription drugs can produce similar effects as bath salts in the hands of an inexperienced user.
Some common physical symptoms experienced by users of bath salts include mild to moderate anxiety, mild to moderate sweating, cramping in the joints, difficulty breathing, dizziness, confusion, nausea, and upset stomach. While these symptoms are typically present only in extremely heavy users, there are a growing number of occasional users who may not be familiar with the full range of possible side effects. Users should be aware that any time medication is used in combination with bath salts it can produce more serious physical reactions. If one or more of the above symptoms occur after regular use of bath salts they should be reported to the local police immediately.
Users should also be aware of the fact that bath salts contain potentially dangerous chemicals. These chemicals have been tested on animals and humans and no adverse health effects have ever been recorded. However, the bath salts themselves contain chemicals such as ammonia, which can cause dizziness, headaches, and strong allergic reactions in some people. A safe intake of bath salts is approximately once per week for adults and up to twice per month for children.
There are several brands of bath additives available on the market today, including traditional chemical-based products such as lye bath salts and synthetic cathinones. Lye bath salts are relatively new bath product and do not contain the same chemical composition of bath salt products with bath salts being manufactured from natural substances. Synthetic cathinones are a cheaper alternative to lye bath salts and are often found in large bottle sizes. However, these bath additives are made with a synthetic form of the human hormone, testosterone, which mimics the effects of the body’s own testosterone. Legal bath salts do not contain lye and many brands of synthetic cathinones have been found to have harmful side effects.
While bath salt and synthetic cathinones may seem similar, they are actually two different chemicals produced in separate laboratories by different companies. Bath salt contains an identical amount of salt and chemical composition when it is manufactured. A synthetic cathinone however, is created by chemically synthesizing a male hormone. This hormone has been proven to be very effective in curing erectile problems, which makes it the subject of much research and the subject of ongoing clinical trials. Some synthetic cathinones have been found to produce side effects similar to erectile dysfunction and even cancer, so consumers should be careful and research each product carefully before purchase.