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Commonly Found Bath Salts – How To Pick The Right One

Jun 8, 2021 | Uncategorized

Written By Gerald

bath salt

Commonly Found Bath Salts – How To Pick The Right One

Bath salts are a newly developed category of designer drugs. The name comes from instances where the substances were disguised as bath salt. The bath salt, powders, or flakes often look like Epsom salts, although they are different chemically. The bath salt benefits can be many, depending on your need.

There is evidence that bath salt has benefits for psychiatric conditions such as depression, psychosis, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It is suspected that bath salt causes the release of neuropeptides, natural pain relievers, which facilitate relaxation and a feeling of well-being. This can result in a decrease in moodiness, an increase in social interaction and even a decrease in violent behavior. These chemicals have been found to be present in human plasma and cerebrospinal fluid.

There are two clinical laboratories researching the effects of bath salts on human behavior. The first laboratory studies were done in the state of Michigan. There, using a placebo, subjects took a bath each day for three weeks. One group got a placebo and another group got bath salts; those in the placebo group only reported less moodiness than those taking the bath salts.

The second set of tests used professionally licensed psychotherapists in Thailand. They found that those people who received both treatments had lower reports of moodiness, social interactivity, and anger. When given synthetic cathinones, these same subjects showed signs of euphoria and said they felt “high”. This research supports the idea that bath treatments can reduce negative moods, enhance social interaction, and encourage the relief of pain.

Scientists believe that bath salts may also be a form of designer drug. They began investigating the possible effects of bath salt when two pharmacists happened to meet one day at a coffee shop. During their conversation, the pharmacists noticed that the subject taking the bath salts didn’t seem to be under any discomfort. They theorize that the bath salt may be a “smart drug” that was developed by a pharmaceutical company with the goal of creating a synthetic painkiller.

The other mystery surrounding bath salt drugs is why anyone would want to take bath salts if there are no medical benefits. Most people only buy bath salt because they smell good or because it smells like candy. The research is still ongoing but people do have those experiences. When you wake up in the morning and the salt splashes into your face, you feel like you’re in heaven.

People with a high susceptibility to bath salt addiction have a difficult time breaking their habits. Because of the chemical and neurological effects of taking bath salts, it’s hard to keep track of where you’ve put the stuff. People who are highly susceptible to mDPV have reported seeing things that aren’t there, seeing shadowy figures and even hearing voices in their heads. Often people with mDPV don’t realize what they’re doing is wrong until it’s too late. The person can’t seem to move their fingers and they can’t drive. The worst part is, some people don’t know they have a problem until it’s too late.

MDPV is controlled substances classified as a Schedule II stimulant. It has been banned in many states and counties and is strictly controlled through mandatory sales and use laws. Although bath salt is a controlled substance, the symptoms experienced are similar to those experienced by patients with a myriad of prescription and illegal drugs. Those who believe they have a bath salt addiction need professional help.

Stimulants like bath salts are highly addictive. They work by causing the same physical changes as prescription drugs without the dangerous side effects. Unfortunately, the reward system of the brain is not as efficient when dealing with these types of stimulants. People will often experience euphoria, increased energy and alertness in a short amount of time. If the user returns to the same stimulant they were taking, the symptoms will return until the “hit” wears off.

Other commonly found bath salt additives are synthetic marijuana and designer drugs. Synthetic marijuana is often found in tablet form and can cause temporary memory loss, depression and anxiety. Designer drugs are usually sold in powdered forms disguised as sugar, toothpaste and mouthwash. Not only are they unsafe for use, but they also come with serious health risks such as liver damage, hallucinations and heart problems. Users should not take designer drugs unless they have researched the side effects and weighed their benefits against the risks.

Although bath salts are becoming more widely used by the general public, they still have to be treated with caution. Most bath salts contain concentrated doses of a designer drug or a synthetic cathinone that has been specifically designed to be less addictive. There are bath salt products available that do not contain any designer drug, but most products do contain synthetic cathinone. Consumers should always check the ingredients list of any bath salt they plan to purchase.

Written By Gerald


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